Genesis Worship Center – Affordable Housing

Show Description

Oakland, CA

As the Pastor of the Genesis Worship Center likes to say, the high cost of housing has turned his community church into a commuter church. In order to help rectify this situation, the Pastor, along with New Way Homes, approached Gunkel Architecture to create much-needed affordable housing on site to serve the surrounding East Oakland neighborhood as well as members of the congregation.

Creatively working within complicated zoning confines, Gunkel Architecture was able to obtain entitlements for 12 affordable live/work units that are nearing completion. The bright and spacious units utilize existing unique architectural elements, such as the multi-purpose room flooring and heavy timber trusses, to create charming homes for the residents. The introduction of trellises, raised planters and a common patio reinvents this obsolete school building and defines a new, vibrant community within the context of the larger church complex.